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La Palma del Condado

El Ayuntamiento de La Palma del Condado is a body of the local public administration. This organization is dedicated to applying policies of social integration, development, policies for youth and citizens, applying measures and actions to guide citizens to the social welfare system and providing adequate information to everyone. The total population is 10,600 inhabitants. Youth, mobility, interculturality prevail above all else. We have a high commitment to social integration through intercultural and job opportunities. The cultural services and the local development agency are constantly working for the development of our municipality. One of the aspects of considerable interest is our urban-rural site characteristic, with a key component of mutual aid between citizens, something that is a base of interest for a non-formal approach to fight against social exclusion and to work on the intercultural mutual understanding and solidarity. We are a municipality committed to green policies, the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs.

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