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Avrasya Yenilikçi Toplum Derneği

Eurasia Innovative Society Association (NGO) which was established in 2021. Eurasia is a research and innovation-linked
NGO that works in the ‘’digital, green and smart’’ development of society, mainly supporting the ‘Continuous Professional
Development (CPD) and Continuous Professional Activities (CPAs) of youngsters, youth associations and youth workers.
Eurasia is acknowledged nationally and internationally for its professional dedication and leadership in placing a significant
emphasis on strengthening Digital and Green environmental awareness through Immersive environments, VR, AR, XR, VF
and AI as an integral part of its Continuous Professional Development offerings to the whole communities. The association
has strong management and technical bodies that employ; 5 project managers, 8 technicians, 5 engineers, and 4 trainers.
The association also has 10 youth workers with deep experience in project management, including risk management,
financial management, research and sound management. The association also has a teacher hub having 400 teachers and
220 volunteers.
Eurasia is set up to ensure the digital and green transformation of society. Our association, being a centre of excellence as
outlined, can fully engage with several young people and their communities. The association has the total infrastructural and
logistical capacity to welcome and deal with several media to large groups at any time in the Center. Eurasia has the
required and relevant equipment to enable meaningful engagement with all aspects of YOUTH. We aim to facilitate and
encourage the development of a framework which will enable and empower the citizens to acquire the 21 Century skills and
knowledge necessary to promote basic literacy in citizens through the setting up of academies and centres of excellence.
Presently through its ongoing, innovative enterprises in biodiversity, sustainability (Digital and Green) programs with
designing for meaningful and sustainable 21 Century Teaching and Learning and Continuous Professional development
Eurasia is deceptively addressing the curricular areas of 5 major issues:
1) Climate Change: We aim to protect the environment. We promote technology usage in environmental protection, such as
vertical farming, recycled textile, and homemade make-up products. To protect the environment and educate the citizens,
we deploy the followings:
– Nature Based Solutions Education (NBSE),
– Vertical Farming,
– Virtual Reality,
– Augmented Reality,
– Artificial Intelligence,
– STE(A)M,
2) Employability: We aim to create new employability areas for young people for overall well-being, social inclusion and
economic growth, deployed:
– NFT,
– VR,
– AI,
– Gamification.
3) Promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial way of thinking, living, acting for sustainable development,
4) Initiate peer education by leading youth to have a green mindset,
5) Fight against climate change by taking action and promoting eco-friendly activities,

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    Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.