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Sustainable Urbanism

Sustainable Urbanism


Project ID

Project Name: Community action for sustainable urban development among young people

Project Number: KA220-YOU-B88CEE41

Project Acronym: CONTRIBUTE

Duration: 24 months (01-04-2023/01-04-2025)

Short Description: “CONTRIBUTE” is a project for young people’s education, aiming at training 100 young people by implementing urban gardens to increase their knowledge of sustainable urbanism and social entrepreneurship. It will provide training accessibility on the topics of sustainable urbanism and environmental sustainability, increase target groups’ entrepreneurial skills, and raise their awareness of designing and practising urban regeneration.


Project Objectives

The “CONTRIBUTE” project is for youth and aims to educate 100 young people on social entrepreneurship and sustainable urbanism through the implementation of urban gardens. 


Increasing understanding of designing urban regeneration and practices related to re-using abandoned structures and/or areas.


Educating 100 young people on urban markets, urban gardens, and social entrepreneurship.


Improving access to knowledge and training on sustainable urbanism and environmental sustainability.


Enhancing target groups' capacity for entrepreneurship and employment.


Increasing understanding of designing urban regeneration and practices related to re-using abandoned structures and/or areas.

Target Group

Project management and implementation staff

Young people

Young people who have disadvantaged backgrounds

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.